Here's some projects I want to accomplish this summer:
start the scrapbook I've bought the supplies for
finish nolan's picture book and send it (SOON)
re-do the office so that it is an actual functional space
rearrange living room furniture
hang wedding pictures with temple picture
grow some flowers
work on Taylor'd Photography
I'm really a list person. I'm not sure when it started but I'm the biggest list person you'll ever find.
I have this jar full of questions to help your journal writing. I don't think I've ever used it. Shows how good I am at keeping a journal. Anyway, there's no time like the present...
Here's the question: How many minutes do you spend on the phone in one day?
Boy, that's dated. I haven't had a real long conversation on the phone since my dating days. In those times I could last a good 4 hours, maybe longer. Now a days it's a quick conversation a work, between classes, or on the commute home. I'd say the longest I stay on the phone now is 20 minutes, and that's rare. Phone conversations are almost eliminated due to text messages. Crazy. I'm really going to have to work with my kids on vocabulary since who know how brain mushy their generation will be. I blame it on the text. OMG, LOL, DIY, FYI, BTW. I hate these.
Okay there's my rant and attempt at journaling for the day.
I other news, Nate and I tackled a small project yesterday. We painted our front door red! We wanted something to tell our house apart from the cookie cutter ones surrounding us. We figured this would accomplish that. It looks great. Here are some pictures. (Pictures of the final project to follow...)